Banyak betul gambar2 lama yang dalam computer yang tak ber print.
Memang ada sesetengah orang fikir there’s no reason to develop print your photos anymore since the creation of digital camera and computer. Hmm...My personal opinion...I love to see my pix, my personal accomplishments, my joy no matter how little it is ... in print. Baru puas.
Sambil survey2 mana murah and dekat kat cyberjaya la, selalu pergi ampang park..kat sana murah but too far la... terjumpa website EOE Online Photo Printing Service -

I decided to get some of my favourite photos printed out , nak cuba dulu tgk service dia cepat and gambar dia cantik tak.Ye la...different shops would have different colour profile, just like our monitors.Tapi, bila tgk murah and senang je cara dia, tak sedar 261 keping I upload untuk print.
To qualify for the free delivery, minimum kena RM35.00. It only took 2! Petang Isnin upload, hari ni dah dapat...
Hari ni, when I dapat and holding pix yang i order it felt really good coz result dia...its turned out to be so nice and acceptable.To qualify for the free delivery, minimum kena RM35.00. It only took 2! Petang Isnin upload, hari ni dah dapat...
Try la. It's so easy & convenient coz..
-guna normal browser upload to upload the pictures into the server, walaupun ambik masa sikit, takpe...sambil2 tu boleh buat kerja...
-ada interbank payment, takyah pakai credit card...yang confirm akan memudaratkan anda (sambil tangan tunjuk kat diri sendiri)
-service yang cepat
My day started with a meeting...yawnnn
Suka...dapat free frame...walaupun ijau katak pisang yang je
Dah siap susun dalam album...ingatkan order banyak...dia tak letak siap2 macam selalu kat kedai tu
Tambah collection kat office...WALL OF FAME... :)