I was able to relax....despite having so many thoughts in my head..and lots of good food and activities ...and laid back afternoon strolling in my favorite area...with my favourite book.It was fun and great weekend..
Bangun tidur, tegur dulu, our new friend...kitorang panggil burung tecik. Ada sekor burung ni, pagi-pagi suka hinggap kat tingkap and buat bising. Kalau tak layan dia, nanti dia ketuk-ketuk tingkap dengan paruh dia. Tiap-tiap pagi macam tu...cute la burung ni.
Sejuk...pagi2...hear the drizzle of the rain, is there anything better than a nice, simple and hot breakfast? Delicious homemade pancakes with warm syrup, mee goreng and hot nescafe -That's the way to start out your day the right way....yee haaaa

Baru la semangat jalan-jalan , shopping untuk rumah baru. Pergi kedai lampu kat PJ, confirm untuk dua lampu kat living area , tambah dua wall light untuk design yang lebih kurang sama. Jalan-jalan lagi sampai husband dah buat muka, finally jumpa lampu untuk dining area...yang simple with reasonable price...ada lamp shade...dari Massive Belgium Lighting. Terus je beli...sebab lepas ni macam takde masa sangat nak survey2.Cuti pun very limited, kerja kat office pun makin banyak.
Simple je design lampu untuk dining area, tapi suka sangat. Nanti, lamp shade tu boleh tukar-tukar, tambah-tambah. :)Penat shopping, alang2 dah ada around PJ..teringat pulak nak makan kat satu tempat ni. Memang best. Selalu makan masa duduk Kelana Jaya dulu. Char Kuey Teow FAM @ Restoran Jamal Mohamed, Kelana Jaya- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Kitorang dah kena penangan this plump lady's kuey teow for ages. Sedapp bangett. On some days we would drive to Kelana Jaya just for her superb char kuey tiaw...
Banyak stall kecik2 kat Restoran Jamal ni. Wantan mee dia pun sedap...nasi ayam hainan pun sedap.
Char Kuey Tiaw yang sedap dimakan panas-panas. Bergolek-golek kerang dan udang masuk dalam mulut.
Wantan Mee...
Nice Tauhu Bakar
Petang tu...kita pergi Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club, Grass Paddock area for Shell IT Carnival. It was such a great carnival with laid back people with denim wear and green and lush trees, beautiful parks... and amazing activities. It was such a beautiful day to walk in hands in hands with my husband and enjoy the day...
The carnival filled with activities, multiple game stalls, performances, food stalls...and lots more. In addition to that, ada lucky draw, chance to win 'best giler' prize...hahaha.tapi sayangnya...kitorang tak berapa lucky la. Banyak yang aim tapi tak dapat...huhu. Paling gigit jari Sharp-42 inch lcd Full HD TV. Takpe...takpe (muncung je muka bila tak dapat).
Enjoy the pix.
Day started with cloudy skies...tapi semua tetap semangat...
Fun things to do on a cloudy day.. :)
Dah dapat free gift, semangat dengan payung pink...nak pergi main games
Relax and enjoy..
haha...semangatt..siap singsing seluar...tapi...satu bola pun tak masuk lubang...aishh

Terasa macam zaman kanak-kanak ribena dulu...pergi main funfair...
hope the ball will hit the target...doa..doa
Hit the target...and win a prize...
The best part is the caricature area...FREE. The artists can create the caricatures which look funny yet good and not ugly. Siap suruh posing, kanan sikit kak...kanan sikit. Suspen je nak tengok the output.
My husband..

something mouth-watering and tasty that reminds me of my childhood.... sticky pink candy floss..stick in between my teeth and the sides of my mouth....
Great food...roast lamb, murtabak, sate, waffle, nasi beriyani...etc.

Burger eating contest...this is hilarious !!
who can eat more?
see my perutt???too kenyang already
couldn't stop smiling as a little kid in a candyshop seeing the biggest lolliepop of all.. P/S :
To Yana &Fakhrul ,Congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl. The joys you are about to experience will warm your heart. Syukur Alhamdulillah. To Ayan, Congratulations on your graduation!!Mmuah..mmuah.