Friday, April 8, 2011

Small things...

Starting your day right ...with small and simple things.. :)

Salam Jumaat penuh keberkatan dan kemuliaan. Semoga segalanya yang baik-baik sahaja untuk kita semua...amin.

Things to jump start my Jumaat...

I just bought my first MAC charged water ....I am so in love with the scent. It's relaxing , calming and a few spritzes keeps me awake...:).Sesuai untuk muka sembab di waktu pagi...and as a finish for my makeup to avoid looking too powdery ...

Breakfast...breakfast...penting tau

My 'thin crust pepperoni pizza' for our breakfast. U just need wholemeal tortilla, smoked beef pepperoni, pasta sauce , mozarella cheese and fresh basil (fresh from my kitchen herb pot)

..started my day with a cup of decaf coffe and I'm ready to enjoy my beautiful sunny Jumaat....Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lost and Found

I found my precious wedding ring!!

My cinonet diamond ring...but really really meaningful.Sebab apa meaningful sangat-sangat?Sebab masa beli ni dulu...keadaan kewangan tak mengizinkan pun my hb nak beli 'one large diamond' ring . Tapi dia tau , with this simple design pun , wife dia ni boleh rasa sangat suka dan penuh rasa syukur. Dah tentu bila dia tanya masa tu nak diamond ring ke tak I will answer "Definately, don’t break the bank on what you can’t afford….". Tapi bila dapat...I will smile and ucap I Love U. :). You don't have to spend a small fortune to have a beautiful life..
Oppss...actually it's not a wedding ring. Boleh ke panggil anniversary ring? :) Sebabnya my wedding ring dah lama berkubur , jatuh kat dalam toilet bowl @office. And dah diganti oleh my hb masa my birthday. Hilang lagi. Tapi tak ingat hilang kat mana sampai sekarang.It's hb ganti lagi masa our 2nd anniversary.Hmm...yang baru jumpa 10 minit lalu ni la. Tapi bila missplaced, I senyap aje. Takut kena marah.

Yang kekal ada dalam simpanan , my 3rd anniversary ring (Betul ke...kena check ada lagi ke tak ni).I don’t usually wear my anniversary rings all the time sebab takut hilang lagi. Kalau pakai pun only on special occasions or when I went to some fancy places...tapi itu pun hilang jugak lagi.Bukan tak appreciate, tapi memang I pelupa and kelam kabut. Orang yang rapat semua pun tahu perangai buruk yang satu ni.So...sentiasa kosong je la jari jemari ni.I couldn’t really remember when was the last time I actually wore it. My hb has always warned me about misplacing my rings...jumpa kat tepi sinki la, tepi dapur la.

Today I turn my office up side down searching for another missing things. Tapi terjumpa pulak this ring. Bila jumpa tadi, rasa excited sangat2. Dok raba-raba dalam beg notebook, terjumpa. Wahhh,sukaaaaa.

Lama betul tak ada diamond kat jari ni **wink wink**.I rasa quote ni sangat betul ... 'The ring will be found when you stop obsessing over it'. Time cari beriya-iya tak pulak jumpa.

Mood hari ni : Sangat happy.

**I cari-cari rupanya ada dalam blog masa dapat hadiah cincin ni masa 2nd Anniversary
Itu la keindahan blog kan. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

I feel good :)

How was everyone’s weekend? Hope you all had a great one and ready to start a new week!
Mine: Gooood...I feel good :). Full of fun

Walk for Autism 2011 .. for sure the best part of my weekend. The feeling is something I will never forget. Being surrounded by families and friends who really understand the struggles and pure love, was an amazingly positive experience for me.
TQ to Eryn..:). You’re not alone. You’ll never be alone...
TQ to my hb, with love and deep appreciation...sanggup bangun pagi-pagi, hari sabtu pulak tu kan...pukul 6.30 pagi mata separuh lelap start enjin kereta nak pergi The Curve.Love u.

Walk for charity

Location membuatkan semua lebih bersemangat :) :). Sambil jalan sambil jeling..


Our hero...Amirul. Faster teacher...faster. Hihi, cikgu dia muka tak larat dah.

REWARD MYSELF. Hihi, Jalan 3 km pun nak reward jugak tau.Lepas walk, dengan tak tukar baju, berpeluh-peluh, terus masuk Ikea.

Reward myself with a 'mini' shopping...

This one for my hb...Spring into Life..woot woot :)

Ada lagi reward..:). Pergi Wisma ICCA Kota Damansar. Bayar fee untuk Wilton Better Baking Program Series 1. Saja snap gambar apron tu sebelah KitchenAid mixer yang dah berhabuk lama tak guna tu. Bagi semangat sikit. Warna dah sedondon dah tu. Kalau malas lagi...saja la.
Penat. Ngantuk. Semua ada. So we take the opportunity , balik rumah mak @ Bandar Tun razak...stay at home for the rest of the day and have some family time together. Best giler..just settle down on the sofa & bed, borak-borak & tengok TV....and tidoo.:). For me, that’s the perfect end to a perfect Saturday ..

Sunday : A quick little project & Great Dinner

Herb Pots for my kitchen. The pots from Ikea...remember the reward yesterday? hehe. And the herbs : rosemary, basil & sage ...from Cold Storage. Fun, quick, and favorite kind of project! 

I will cut you...I mean  a bunch of you flavor my roasted chicken tonite..

The simple yet succulent Sunday dinner: Roast Chicken (Whole Leg) with Rosemary, Lemon & Garlic + Roast Potatoes.

Rub the chicken inside and out  with a generous amount of salt and freshly ground black pepper, lemon, garlic , olive oil and rosemary.Sprinkle some paprika on top.
For the potatoes, Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Cut the potatoes , put them into the water with the whole lemon , and cook for 8-10 minutes. Drain and toss the potatoes in the pan while still hot . This will make ur potatoes crispy when they roast.

Ambik Idea from Michael Smith - Chef at Home : Chicken Under a Brick recipe.To  make sure your chicken  golden brown and crispy...tapi still juicy and tender + tak kering sangat kat dalam, simply weight the chicken with any benda berat bacam lesung batu :). Dalam rancangan Chef at home tu dia guna brick. It's ok...lesung batu pun jadi.Cook over medium-high heat for 10 minutes.

The result : Saya sukaaaaa. Garing diluar lembuttt & juicy di dalam.

Meanwhile...prepare my delicious brown gravy :).Hihihi...

Carefully transfer to the oven. Roast the chicken for 15-20 mins

Serve with the lemon wedges and the pan juices

...and the gravy...

Happy Cooking!

Happy Monday everyone. Have a fantastic week!!