How can treat Din to something good? Last three weeks, I am taking my husband to Swiss for his new job celebration. Memang dah janji dengan Din, kalau dia dapat job ni, I belanja dia makan, and he can choose mana tempat dia nak makan.So, dia pilih Switzerland to eat Rosti, Swiss potato cake with onion.
Most beautiful location
Playing with the snow. Snowwhite? hik hik
Apa??? Makan kat Swiss? Banyak la sangat duit kan...hehhee...breakfast kat Venice, lunch kat Paris, dinner kat Swiss.Hihi...tapi, manala tau, berkat usaha dan doa, Allah limpahkan rezeki yang banyak, sampai boleh buat macam tu. Takde yang mustahil kan? Amin..
So, takde duit nak dinner kat Swiss, I bawak pergi makan Marche movenpick @the curve. At least, teringat la jugak Din kat office HQ dia kat Buchs, Switzerland. Ye la, lepas ni dah tukar tempat baru, tak tau la boleh sampai lagi tak kat situ.
Marché means “market” in French .Buat betul2 macam a huge marketplace in a European village .Penuh dengan the fresh food which is prepared daily and in front of your eyes. Do you know that you can actually buy raw ingredients and others to take home with you if you wish. Jom, let’s have a look at the food station. Sempat la jugak snap sana sini walaupun kat dalam ni tak boleh ambik gambar.
The ambience is so colourful and merry! Suka dengan dia punya fresh concept, colourful tiles, flagstone, baskets, pastu kejap2 ada orang jerit roti panas, sayur segar.There are 8 different theme seating kat sini The Boulevard, Locanda, Swiss Auberge, Poterie, Mediterranean Garden, Pergola, Brasserie, Bar and Lounge area.Kitorang makan kat Boulevard sebab boleh tgk orang lalu lalang kat The Street tu.
Salad Station. Fresh2 betul...
Roti dia semua fresh baked continuously ,pasta pulak is prepared right in front of your eyes...Macam2 ada, meats, fish, pastries, fruits....tapi kitorang masa ni tak lapar macam malas nak pilih pasta or rosti dia walaupun sedapp
Desserts....strawberry tu look so tempting betullll...

I want double fresh orange....
This cream caramel pudding tasty sangat...sedappp.....sukeee...
I love the grilled salmon..... delicious...mashed potatoes diapun creamy and sedap...mushroom sauce dia pun sedap...semua sedap la
Din makan grilled chicken makan dengan tomato based gravy dia. Sedap jugak...
Each guest has a passport that is stamped with the items selected nak naik flight je kan
The food is delicious, nice environment... and of coz... it will bring the bill to be costly....dua orang makan, kena around RM80++. Tapi bukan selalu pun
Lepas ni nak makan Swiss Rösti dengan
stir fry mushrooms pulak..... delicous...