Penat geledah almari carik baju...nak pakai apa...yang simple...but still special for this occasion. Habis satu almari sepah nak cari baju sesuai to match with my new somerset bay skirt.Din penat tunggu terus je tiba2 puji..Honey, you look good to me in everything you wear. Hahaha...banyak laaa..Last2..just wear simple white t-shirt and blue denim jacket.
Paling tak boleh lupa...bila I and my sis bagitau mak2 saudara yang kecoh2 ni...kitorang nak kawin (this is for maksu and alang...hahhaa).Kecoh!!!!! Berterusan kekecohan sampai majlis tunang and kawin. Hhehehe....My uwan keep saying that...alahai...mudo eee ekau nak kawin dah. Uwan..ikin dah 26 la masa tu...dah tuo dah...Same goes to Din...havoc bila dia reveal dia dah ada girlfriend and terus nak kawin. Adik2 and kakak2 dia semua terkejut.Hehhee..
First and foremost, we extend our deepest thanks to our family...for the love yang tak berbelah bagi.Love u all sangat2. To mak and abah (both side)...tak ada kata2 yang boleh gambarkan how big our love to mak dan abah.Takde apa yang boleh balas jasa mak dan abah.To my hubby, thank you for being understanding....and terima Ikin u so much..
This is where Din and I went for our anniversary dinner that night. The service here is excellent, very personable and pleasant staff who kept showing their courtesies from the time we sat down till we walked out of the door.
From the picture you can see the serving is not too large...but still I kena share. mesti tak habis. in fact I was quite full after the meal.
From him.....Jerit kuat masa nihhh...sebab sukaaaaaa sangat...He said that patutnya bagi kat tony's roma,tapi sibuk makan and chat sampai ,bagi masa nak balik dalam kereta .I pulak...syok sampai lupa nak tanya present..
If you are looking for a place with good ambience, okay-good quality food and great service, then Tony Roma's is worth a visit.
**Happy Anniversary to maksu and paksu!!Love u all...mmuah.
Ya Allah ya tuhanku, aku memohon dan berdoa padamu, semoga perkahwinan kami berdua kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat kami dan sentiasa dirahmati olemu Ya Allah. Kami memohon agar keluarga kami sentisa dilimpahi kebahagiaan dan dikurniakan zuriat yang soleh dan solehah.
wa....ikin...akak ingat ikin anak dara lagi .. he..he..
Happy 2nd anniversary ...
Semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat dan cepat dikurniakan zuriat...
bestnyer ikin!!! makan steak and dpt cincin!!! huhuuu aniversary yana minggu depan. cepatnyer masa berlalu kan. tup tup dah setahun jagung kotorang kawin.. tak tau nak buat apa for the aniversary.. mmg clueless
walaupun dah berlalu maksu still nak wish "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" may you and din be blessed with ALLAH Sbt and all of us can have happiness till the end of our life.
Sodap la nampak rib to ha..bila nak bwk mama tia&mia ni?nanti kita orang pakai cekak.hee..hee.
Salam Din and Ikin,
Happen to know your blog site recently. Hoping it is not too late to wish both of you a long lasting love and may Allah bless you...
Kak Nor
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