Would you stand by your man?
How can something so wrong feel so right?
The Senator's Wife is a novel that provokes my strong feelings and one that will leave you thinking about its characters for a long time after you've closed the cover. This is the first book I’ve read by Sue Miller, and I couldn’t read fast enough. This book was GOOD.Tapi jalan cerita dia macam buat I terfikir2, sentiasa ada je dalam kepala ...discuss the ending with my husband.Kebetulan lepas tu, tengok kat astro, Top 15 political scandals , so ...I really hate the realities.
What I can't stand is witnessing over and over again these poor wives standing next to their cheating politician husbands and gives his pathetic apology to news reporters.Why don't any of these guys have the brave to stand ALONE and face the cameras?
Come on ladies....love feels no burden...love is beautiful..OK.Stand true...and faithful.
Hehe...ok..ok.. jangan emotional..hikhik. Ni pasal masa cuti banyak tengok oprah la ni...ish.
+++This book is all about
-secrets that they keep in families and across generations, horrific betrayal...even dah kena stroke , tak boleh bergerak, helpless, word-slurring pun still menggatal lagi...ish!
-This is a story of two marriages: unique and complicated.
-The two main characters (the wives) actually, walaupun tajuk dia the senator's wife.
-The story is told from the perspective of both women, Meri and Delia.
-Meri (I hate this character)newly married to nathan who is extremely immature-struggling with her new status and place in life. Move into a new house,and quickly build a friendship with their neighbor, Delia Naughton (the senator's wife).
-When she gives birth, her struggle with the baby.
-The other woman,Delia is a survivor (kalau depan mata dah marah2 dah dia ni) of a long-standing marriage
-Though she is married to a famous senator, Tom Naughton, Delia lives alone.Separated from but still married to the famous senator, Tom Naughton, who has had affair after affair after affair...endlessly...
-Buku ni banyak flashback the moment Delia discovered Tom's most unforgivable affair, a romance with their daughter's close friend..and other women...other women...other women...never ending scandals.
-Finally, TOM can’t help himself. When he has a stroke...
-Delia who accepts him back into her life....what??
-Delia persists; taking pleasure in the quiet nak jaga husband dia...
In the end everyone gets what they deserve...
...catch-your-breath ending....
But of course, nothing can last. I gasped a bit when Delia found TOM and MERI....
I taknak reveal the ending...spoil je u all nak baca nanti.
**Other part yang I tak suka dalam buku ni, yes..it has the most graphic description of childbirth I’ve ever encountered and pages and pages about pregnancy ...but it's too much...I felt a little overburdened by this level of..explaination.
Why stay with someone who can’t stay faithful?