++++I was diagnosed with ENDOMETRIOSIS...I was admitted to Pantai Medical Center, Bangsar to do the surgery+++
Actually i pernah buat checkup dengan Dr lain before this, due to my period pain yang ada sejak bujang lagi.Tapi tak dapat kesan apa2 pun...yet until I dengan my husband went to another specialist to perform a more detail scan and go for a second opinion - Dato' Dr Hamid Arshat, the famous gynae "Ok, it looks like you have a cyst in your right ovary. The size is about 4.6cm ". What??I mula2 tu terima dengan tenang sebab Dr Hamid relax je bgtau pasal cyst tu.Tapi...deep inside me..didn't know how to gather my strength after hearing that.Bila keluar je from bilik scanning tu, I terus je tengok muka husband...and I know...dia dah boleh agak the result.Tapi Dato' buat we all berdua rasa selesa and calm....
Basically, he recommended a surgery. But, not like the other doctors I met before, he explained the details about what he found and step by step procedure that I might go through next. I was so frustrated, for sure. I felt that this procedure only gave me false and bad healthier feeling. But the way the Dato' talked to us with such an empathy approach made me feel comfortable and he reassured me that things might not be as bad as they look like.so... I quickly took a decision to remove my endometriosis.
Alhamdulillah...my surgery went well...indeed it went well than we expected it will be...Alhamdullillah yang tak terhingga..The surgery took about 45 mins to complete instead of 2-3 hours as per planned...
cuma tunggu dalam waiting room tu lama sangat sebab Dato' ada 4 kes hari tu.Nervous tak boleh la cerita, tapi...dalam hati ingat pada Allah...redha atas segalanya.
Tapi what i did remember while i was in the recovery room, (recovery period just after the surgery) ..macam kelakar walaupun sakit...Bila dah boleh bukak mata sikit tu...ya Allah, rasa sakitnya.Bukak mata je terus nampak Dr Nazri, Pakar Anaesthesia I terus cakap...dr...nak morphin...dah tak tahan sakit ni. Dr terus senyum..and tenangkan I, "u should cakap Alhamdulillah...dah selamat, ni tak terus mintak morphine... :)".Bila keluar daripada recovery room tu...terus nampak my lovely husband and my cayang maksu...terus hilang kejap rasa sakit. Rasa sayu pun ada bila diorang keep usap kepala i and touch my hand. Sampai bilik terus nampak muka mak and abah..lagi la rasa sayu..dan syukur masih berpeluang jumpa orang-orang yang paling kita sayang.
I am taking this opportunity to thanks my lovely families & in-laws and all for the prayers, doa(s), warm wishes, sms(es), phone calls, get-well-soon cards, lovely flowers, visitations, air halia istimewa alang, tq to family from perak yang bagi kasih sayang yang tak terhingga, etc...only Allah can repay it all...insyaallah... Nak sebut semua nama...ramai sangat.
...i want to thank my beloved husband,for being there, besides me all the time...thru hard times and pain...showering me with his unconditional love...sesungguhnya, amat bersyukur dikurniakan seorang suami yang penyayang...alhamdullillah...no words can describe how much I love him...sooo muchhhh!!!...kadang2 terfikir will i or can i treat him the same as what he had done for me, if the situation vice versa...only GOD knows...InsyaAllah... I will...may be more!
...My sincere thanks also goes to Dr Nazri and Dato' Hamid for your really good hands, precious advice, and help so far.
Many thanks also goes to my best friends, office mate,who came to pay me a visit. You all have cheered me up in your own special way,gossipping, painting a big smile on my face and tickling my heart to laugh even in this condition.
Let's hope that I will not have any complication after this...Amin.
Let's hope that I will not have any complication after this...Amin.
...rite now, i have to berpantang like orang after deliver baby c-section...agak stress la jugak....sabar sabar.My recovery period is 4-6 weeks…so insyaallah will be back to office soon.
on the admission day ...international lounge...warded to Room No. C622- International level.
Pantai’s International Ward actually dedicated to foreign patients and expatriates. This ward is well equipped with an international lounge providing club floor facilities to their foreign patients, tapi jalau tak penuh, local pun boleh mintak. Bayar extra sikit. So... I kata kat my husband, takpe la kita amik yang ni...senang mak abah nanti nak relax2 sambil melawat...Tia Mia datang pun boleh main2 kat sini. takde la boring sangat.
the day before...nampak ok...tapi sebenarnya nervous...
on the surgery day!!! post surgery .already back to my room...tgh high under morphine!!! running through my body- 2 days
Bunga yang paling besar ni...abah and mak yang bagi. Dia kata..'sajo yo abah bagi bungo koring. Ko lotak kat umah baru ko nanti...boleh ingat sampai bilo2 the moment'
From Yana & Fakhrul...pink always my fav colour..
yang ni from my office mate...hhehhehe...best bangat...all my favourite magazine, sophie kinsella punya buku, all in my fav basket from lovely lace...
ada lagi daripada diorang...the cute card plus 2GB Philips Digital MP3 Player...siap dah ada 240 lagu lagi eryn downloadkan...thanks...thanks
Choc ni from my husbnad punya office mate...homemade choc.
Bunga first yang i terima...of coz from my husband... :), ada daripada along...siap dua pasu lagik
Nur bagi choc, alang bagi buah dalam bekas kaca yang sangat cantik and patung froggy..
Tia Mia heboh nak patung ni... :)
Alhamdulillah yang amat besar laa..betul kata dr tu jangan ingat morphins yo..hee..hee..the truth once you succeeded in going through this hurdle you see life in different perspective..there will more " yes i can,yes i will,yes i can do it" instead of "ohh i m scared,what if i cannot do it" so welcome you life in new perspective now as you have so much love around you..get well soon so that we can continue our fun together.Tia mia said "lap you,lap you,kong me,kong me please".
hi ikin, get well soon ye. wah meriah sungguh bilik ikin dgn suma gift tu.. mak su kata best benar international level tu... mkn le gamat helin cepat baik luka... yang best ada perisa strawbery and oren x mcm akak bersalin 10 years back dulu dok telan air gamat pure yang hancing... take care
hai kak ikin...alhamdulilah akak dah sihat...saya doakan akak cepat sembuh..jaga diri elok2 tau...taking care...jangan nakal2....dah lama tak tgk akak..dah sihat nanti leh terus buat kek..huhuhh..
Salam Ikin,
Alhamdulillah.. Dah selesai & selamat :) Semoga cepat sembuh. Wah.. syok ni cuti lama - boleh baca buku cite. hehee...
Anyway take a good care of yourself.
hi, salam..
sy ucapkan tahniah, dah selamat menjalani pembedahan. sy nak tahu, ape symptom endometriosis ye? sebab sy bulan2 pun sakit senggugut sejak remaja lg. risau lah. selain period pain, awak alami symptom ape lg?
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