Excited bila jumpa buku ni kat kedai buku ampcorp mall last 2 weeks..sebab tak tau pun dia ada new book.
Bila baca summary about the book...WOW...it was a ghost story of sorts I was thrilled..sekarang kan tengah hot...cite hantu..hantu ni.
I laughed, got teary eyed a few times and then laughed some more bila baca..3 hari...working days tau...boleh habiskan baca.
Lara is a typical Kinsella character I would say.Kelakar, witty and has a certain wacky charm that makes you like her...
Bermula dengan dia attending her great aunt's funeral.
A great aunt that she doesn't know at all,even family dia pun tak kenal sangat...cukup syarat je attanding funeral ni.
Nama Great Aunt dia...Sadie.
Sadie lived to be a hundred and five and has been in a 'rumah orang tua' for years.
Sadly, for her, semua yang dia kenal had never bothered to visit her or pay her any attention.
Paling best, masa funeral.. Lara starts hearing someone asking about a necklace.
Bila tengok sekeliling tak nampak sesiapa pun but can still hear the voice.
Then she sees a young lady... Of course no one else can see her...only Lara.
It happens to be Aunt Sadie when she was much younger - in her twenties .
She is screaming at Lara to stop the funeral until her necklace can be found. Hillarious masa ni!!
Berjaya ke Lara stop the Funeral?And will the ghost of Aunt Sadie drive Lara completely crazy? Diorang akan jadi bestfriend ke?Kena beli and baca..
Believe me..Aunt Sadie is quite the character and sampai sekarang teringat2.Tambah pulak...now cerita HOUSE kat tv pun, Dr. House tengah gila bercakap
dengan hantu.Lagi la teringat2...Bila tak nak nampak macam orang gila...bercakap sorang2...diorang letak bluetooth handsfree kat telinga...konon2...
tengah cakap phone.
Aunt Sadie.. was a young lady in the twenties...so dia hidup still dengan apa yang popular masa zaman dia la.
She forced Lara into dressing like a twenties girl complete with the dress, jewelry and hair style. It was hilarious!Pecah perut gelak..
Pakai lipstik pun pakai kertas merah lagi kedap kat bibir.
Kinsella books are usually fun and chick-lity...tapi yang ni had a bit deeper message for me.Kita dapat menyelami perasaan orang
tua yang ditinggalkan kat rumah orang tua...and apa sebenarnya yang dilalui masa muda...sebelum kena biarkan sorang2 terkontang kanting.
Those who are Sophie Kinsella fans......mesti suka buku ni.So...Give it a shot.
My next book...nak cari buku under her real name 'Madeleine Wickham'.
Tak tau pun ada buku baru..pinjam leh Shikin?
x yah baca boleh? tunggu ko citer kat aku jer... hihhihi
Bolehh niza...
Ko bagitau je la..ending ko nak camne...
Meh aku cite...hahhaa
okey shikin..nnt passing yer!
dah beli ye? K-Ita blom berkesempatan lagi. Hmm.. mcm best je. Harus beli juga :)
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