Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Naqeeb, My Sick Nephew

Last 3-4 weeks, my cute and lovely nephew Naqeeb masuk hospital.Hmmm...hospital lagi? My Sis in Law , Dik La YM and bagitau Naqeeb admitted kat Sungai Buloh hospital. Terkejut, mula2 ingat kena macam we all, sakit perut, demam and muntah2. Tapi, sebenarnya lagi teruk. Dik La bagitau , kaki Naqeeb kena operate. ???. Alahai Siannyaaaaa.....

So ,balik kerja, Din terus pergi tengok and esoknya, kitorang pergi berdua. Bila Kak Nor and Abg Sham cerita macam mana berlaku, macam rasa tak percaya je. Punca dia, Naqeeb main basikal, and jatuh. Tapi masa tu nothing happen pun, just lebam je. Macam kita masa budak2 la kan, lebam tu biasa je.Tapi, lama sikit lepas tu dia dah start menanah. Abang Sham cerita, masa mula2 nak keluarkan nanah tu, punya banyak sampai terpancut keluar. Pergi hospital, Doc kata kena operate buang.So, lepas ni kalau sapa2 ada kids yang lebam macam biasa, still kena monitor jugak or kena pergi klinik.

Masa we all sampai tu , kaki Naqeeb dah lepas operate. Ngeri jugak la , tengok berlubang. Tapi yang paling ngeri masa Kak nor tunjuk video Naqeeb, masa Doc tu tarik kapas from the luka masa lepas operate. Kapas tu masa tu melekat2 lagi kat luka tu.Macam sebati je dengan luka yang berair tu. Doc curah air dulu kat luka and tarik kapas tu pelan2. BETULLL....memang kesian and ngilu la tengokkkkk. Suara Naqeeb...meruntun2 betul masa tu...menjerit2...kita daapt rasa la...betapa sakit nya masa tu...Ish..Ish..Kak Nor, Ikin tak mo tgk lagi la video tu. Tak sampai hati.

Tapi, rasanya sekarang Naqeeb dah ok . Hopefully dah sembuh betul2 and dah boleh lasak2...Dah boleh main game dengan kawan2...takyah main game atas katil lagi... :). Ok?

I'm sick, in bed and bored....

I've been sick in bed all day....boring

Naqeeb kalau dah dapat game...buku kitorang beli pun...buat tak nampak je tu...hihi. Mesti Naqeeb kata, apa la Pak Ndak ngan Mak Ndak ni, orang dah la sakit, boring, suruh baca buku lagi.... :)

Najwa yang cuteeeeeeee sangat...makan Giant Lollipop mak ndak beli...sedap ke?

Najwa suka mandi kat hospital...sebab ada air panas....

The healing power - Mum's love yang tak berbelah bagi...

Naqeeb...semua orang sayang Naqeeb. Cepat sembuh ye...

Pak Ndak and Mak Ndak doakan semoga Naqeeb cepat baik and boleh sama2 enjoy masa raya ni. InsyaAllah.


Anonymous said...

sian la budak nomok ni haa..adik budak nomok ni cute lerrrr;)

mamatia n mia

Anonymous said...

Cian nye kat Naqeeb...
Cepat sembuh ye.. nnti takleh raya ;)

Anonymous said...

nangis yana baca entry ni..
sedihnyer tak dpt tgk naqeeb and berada di M'sia :(

Anonymous said...

It has been a tough month for us. Naqeeb hospitalized and our maid was gone. Need to jugle up between work, home and kids. I was lucky, I was on 1-week leave,so I could take care of Naqeeb when he was hospitalized.

The so unlucky was our planning to go back to visit abah dan mak Pahang had to be cancelled. Sedih!

To hear your son crying in pain when the nurses did the dressing was so hurtfull. You could not do much except consoling him.

Thank you so much to all family members who had visited him. Special thanks to Ikin and Din for the big lolipop and books. Nadia was the one who enjoyed reading the books. Naqeeb is just a gameboy person...Could NOT sit around without playing games......

He is getting better now and the wound is getting smaller. From the last checkup. Another operation is required to close the open wound.

Doakan yang terbaik untuk kami. Kami doakan kalian diberikan kesihatan yang baik, since nothing is more valuable than your health...

Kak Nor